Thursday, September 24, 2015

Webspelunker of Second Life's "My Travels Across Second Life" Blog talked to me this evening.  He told me the number of views his blog had with the last story that I and my need for a Diabetic Alert Service Dog was mentioned.  He went on to tell me that if each of those who viewed that blog gave just $3 USD, the service dog would be PAID FOR! 

Only THREE DOLLARS would make such a HUGE DIFFERENCE in my life!

Webspelunker went on to tell me that $3 is approximately 750 L$.  When someone asks for $3, the wallet comes out without thought.  When you're asking for 750 L$, that's like asking for someone's arm and two legs.  I hope people view it as a $3 donation.  I need help from you to get help from a service dog.
Thank you for helping to
Bring Musketeer Home!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Long over due update!

I'm sorry for the delay in writing.  I'm still VERY actively working on networking and reaching out to bring Musketeer home!  I was invited to speak to the Lion's Club RL and did that last night.  I felt very well received, had their attention, got great questions asked afterwards and enjoyed doing public speaking again!  I'm not sure if anything will come of it financially, but I was able to raise awareness of diabetes and Service Dogs.  So that's a good thing.

Kiva & I will be doing a DJ-ing gig at Pandora this Saturday.  It's an OOC Steampunk event!  EVERYONE is welcome to attend!  We hope to see you there!

THANKS for helping!